Thursday, May 16, 2013

Power, Status & Position Are An Act of Fearlessness.

Money is basically nothing till the time, it fulfills a need or a want or a desire.

Success comes only when you realize that you don't have forever and you may die tommorrow.

What 'The 50th Law of Power' By Robert Greene taught you was that when you begin to fight with fearless energy, people will not be able to ignore and / or resist you. At any given point of your life you are fearful of something or the other and you have a choice whether to accept that fear or to deny it. What you may know if you deny that fear is that, there are endless possibilities wherein you may become what you actually are. But here's the catch - you don't know what you actually are.

There's something big hidden inside you that knows that a life full of wealth and power is possible and you can feel it's yearnings all the time. If and only if, you would listen to it intently and focus your entire life in the application of it's wonderful knowledge earnestly, things would start happening for you in a big manner. In a way previously deemed impossible.

If you don't allow this transformation to happen, then the big guy inside you will burn you out. If you let him die, he will kill you. You will be a floating carcass in the sea of life. You will be the living dead, a zombie. You will be a failure that you never wanted to be.

It's just another way of saying, that if you don't help yourself and identify the innate talents hidden within you and / or hinder it's discovery in you, by any foolish act or acts on your part; then it's awesome power will be reversed in a due course of time and will begin to act 'against you' instead of 'for you.'

After that, (if at all) you will realize that the wealth and the damsels which other people have attained could have been yours, too.

A N U J  C H U G H

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