Monday, March 11, 2013

What is Philosophy ?

Ever since I was a school-going boy, I loved my learning and my life in a question and answer format. So, here it goes:

What is Philosophy ?

My Answer - Philosophy is a way of life to better one's life. It aims at reducing suffering
and increasing happiness. It is the adoption of a way of thinking, which an individual
deems suitable for his/her aspirations. It is recommended that after choosing one's
philosophy, one should adhere to it with total devotion and dedication.

It is not said that one should keep a closed mind, after selecting one's line of thought.
No philosophy is an absolute philosophy and one should never be rigid in the face of
experiences that everyone of us have to face until we stop breathing. But, one should
be careful while selecting or keeping core beliefs, that are close to one's heart, beca-
use these are too, nothing but philosophy and every one of us is a philosopher, by

While it's no doubt that your life should be aimed at getting what you want, you
should not be too aggressive or too passive. It should be the basic criterion of
selecting a philosophy. While you are ready to fulfill your heart's desire, you are
also ready to play fair and not gain anything at someone else's cost. Everyone
else, though still being philosophers, are mere negative thinkers and evil-doers.
They destroy the true essence of philosophy.

Philosophy is utopian. Reality is vast and every intrepretation, every skill,
all knowledge and all experiences of every individual that ever existed,
are insufficient to contain it. There is simply more to everything and no
end to it. Philosophy also involves methods and techniques of the
oriental wisdom to achieve spiritual goals. Spiritual goal is the ultimate
goal and purpose of philosphy. Every man, every woman, may want to
be all that, that they can be. But, it has to end somewhere as it all
becomes ultimately futile, due to the inevitability of death. Death is
a great equalizer. Rich and poor, ugly and beautiful, all have to die.

Every great philosophy of the past and the present are based only
upon death, as it is the only thing that give's life its meaning.
Mankind, also need to ponder beyond death and upon its ultimate
evolution as there are some questions that life and death poses,
which even the greatest sceptics can't ignore. Such as, the
conditions a newborn baby takes birth in. Why is one baby born
in extreme poverty, bereft of everything and the other one, in royal

Science will never ask these type of questions as these are deemed
 irrational, stupid, insane and pointless by scientific communities.
They go to lengths to describe the process of how a new-born
baby begins to gain individuality and blah-blah-blah.

A N U J  C H U G H

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