Monday, March 11, 2013

State of Human Life As a Prerogative

Inequality of wealth creates all the problems in the world. Humans would
have created a 'Kingdom of Heaven' collectively, if they wanted to. Look-
ing at the technology, large-scale machines, automation, mass production,
high yielding varieties of seeds, poverty and hunger would have been a
thing of the past. But no, humans don't work that way. Competition is an
other form of hatred. Winning is an another form of hatred.

Getting rich, being ahead of the competition, supremacy, desire to possess
are intrinsic to human being. They are caused by ego, the obsessively com-
pulsive collective capacity of everyone to believe they are special and they
must have good salaries, do the best work and spend on what they like to
spend (it keeps the economy running). People have only known things and
are hard-wired to believe that this is the only way to live a good life. If one
person takes upon himself/herself to change the status quo, it would come
at a cost that won't be worth the pain.

Life has of late, only become persuing of new and loftier heights, never bef-
ore seen. I am not advocating pure selflessness, I want to make a point that
issues of human rights, hunger, starvation deaths, poverty and inequality will
never be solved only by strategic thinking and trusts alone. There is something
wrong with the human civilization itself, the problems run deeper than we think.
Why does an individual think he/she is 'special' ? The person works hard, cont-
ributes to the society and earns his/her rightful salary/income. So what?

It is an inablity to understand the pain of others. When one's problems are sol-
ved, one thinks they have earned the right to be happy. The thinking almost
always goes like that - the person in question, the immediate loved ones, fam-
ily, friends and the people that matter. After that, people dying in West Africa
is none of their concern. At the most, they (we) will donate some amount of
our money to ward of our personal guilt. We can always blame 'other people'
for having unprotected sex and producing babies they cannot feed.

If only the amount of money spent on useless space programmes, astronomy
and physics till date, were spent on poverty alleviation. Advocates of science,
opinion makers, media, politics, profiteers and lobbyists just don't get it. Rather
be bothered by supernovaes in our galaxy, we could could have focused on human
conditions on earth.

The only problem with my writing is that I can only write hard-core to have the
most impact and effect in the minds of the readers of this blog.

A N U J  C H U G H

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