Monday, March 11, 2013

All your Enemies are Within You...

Life of man upon earth, is a warfare.

Your life will always go in the direction you want it to go. Make no mistake about
it. You were unconscious many a times, hence acted dumb or out of ignorance.
That explains your mistakes. Now the growing part - that is more important and
most essential. Have you really grown from all your mistakes ? Ask yourself.
Maintain a secret diary, write all your mistakes down and the path you will now
take, for the future. It's your life anyway, it's well worth the effort. But only as
much worth as your life is to you.

Ultimate warfare is against yourself for, you are your own worst enemy. Be a
warrior of light in this world. Discern the truth from falsehoods. Don't support
evil, no matter how tempting those benefits seem to you, that may accrue. Don't
betray and crush the voice of the truth. Logically you should be only as impor-
tant as any other man or woman on this planet and your quality of life should
have been as good as anyone/everyone. If upon this world, you landed up on
the right side of the fence/sunny side of the fence - you should fight for/stand
up for others and try and avoid being greedy and self-centered.

The ultimate joke that life may or may not play with you depending on you,
of course.

These are your real enemies:-       

ego, arrogance, attitude, lust, ruthlessness, mercilessness, evil, anger,
selfishness, self-centeredness, violence, specialness, avoiding responsibility,
hatred, lack of understanding, ignorance, laziness, despair, despondency,
social-conformity, lack of strength, lack of morals, ethics
& a good

When you are so busy fighting other people for solely your own benefits
and ends, your REAL enemies are fighting you and winning. All your
ultimate enemies are within you - you never thought of that or did you ?

A N U J  C H U G H

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